About Us
It cannot be overemphasized that Cryptocurrencies are built on the idea of decentralization, meaning that they are intentionally designed to prevent them from being controlled by a central authority in the same way that traditional currencies are. At present, there is no standard worldwide framework to regulate virtual currencies. Its regulation is largely dependent on the efforts of individuals.
While banks and other financial institutions are banned from trading in cryptocurrencies in Nigeria, cryptocurrency is not illegal, but it is unregulated.
Ibrocollate Limited seeks to provide solutions to the challenges posed by the crypto ecosystem such as operational and financial integrity risks from crypto asset providers, investor protection risks for crypto assets, and financial applications built on blockchain technology that enable digital transactions between multiple parties.
We make the process of converting your Bitcoin into cash or other coins so simple with just a few clicks of your mouse button.
We are Bridging the gap between people who need liquid cash and businesses who need discounted gift cards as a payment alternative.
With Ibrocollate, you can exchange your gift cards at the best rates possible. We Buy and Sell iTunes, Amazon, Steam Wallet, Google Pay, Apple store, eBay, Walmart, and so on; with just a click of a button.